GE Add-On Booster for its Turbines

The leading energy provider, E.ON, will use GE’s” PowerUp” software program to increase power output by up to 5 percent. The add-on will boostover 450 turbines. It’s not a mechanical breakthrough but a piece of new software that will give extra oomph to turbine output. The Germany-based energy giant GS plans to install PowerUp at five… Read the rest

Britain Playing Grid Catch-Up

A failure to invest in Britain’s 70 year old grid has meant that the boom in its wind power electricty generation is not being taken full advantage of.  Many of the companies who are investing in or building the 6,500 offshore turbines say that a “super-grid” is needed to connect with Europe and make sure that… Read the rest

Higher and Higher…

We’ve become used to Chinese renewable energy companies  pushing boundaries. After becoming the world leader in solar energy, the country has just built the world’s highest wind energy project. China’s leading wind energy developer Longyuan Power (logo above) recently announced that it has installed five wind energy turbines in Nagqu prefecture in Southwest China’s Tibet autonomous… Read the rest

Renewable Energy Storage is now more Important than Renewable Energy Generation

When the sun is shining, the winds are blowing, and demand for energy is low, all seems well in the renewable energy world.  But when it’s cloudy, the wind farms are becalmed, and the demand for energy outstrips production, we have a problem. If only we could store excess renewable energy and use it when required. … Read the rest

China Seeks Scottish Offshore Expertise

Today in Beijing, a contract was signed that will see the Scottish renewable energy consultancy, SgurrEnergy employed to provide strategic advice and expert support for the development of the first offshore wind farm in the Guangdong province, China. Over two years SgurrEnergy will advise the  Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute-GEDI (one of China’s leading design institutions)… Read the rest

Focus on Gamesa

With 18 years’ experience and more than 25,000 MW installed in 40 countries, Gamesa is one of the prime global technological leader in the wind industry, boasting 18 years experience and 25,000 Mw of turbines installed in 40 countries. The company has main production/supply centres in Spain and China, as the global production and supply hubs,… Read the rest

UK Coalition Government Must Display Leadership

The UK coalition Government of Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, led by David Cameron, boasted of their green credentials when they came to power.  About to introduce an energy bill into Parliament in the next few weeks, it is essential that the Coalition shows its political leadership, and its grasp of economic analysis, and listen to what… Read the rest

Highlights of Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference

The Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference took place earlier this month (October) in Edinburgh. There were many noteworthy addresses, ideas and innovations discussed. For Scots, it’s all the more poignant given the recent agreement between Alex Salmond, the Scottish Parliament First Minister, and David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister, regarding the vote to allow them to… Read the rest

Focus on 3Tier

3TIER are an international company that uses weather science to help clients manage the risk of weather-driven variability. It’s not just data, it’s practical and actionable intelligence. The company started in 1999 with the philosophy that their clients’ financial success will propagate a sustainable future powered by renewable energy. They boast a world-class team of atmospheric… Read the rest