Just when the UK Government hoped that the boat had stopped rocking following the resignation of former Energy Secretary Geoff Huhne last week, more than 100 irrational thinking Conservative MPs have signed a letter written to the Prime Minister, David Cameron, urging him to cut subsidies for wind farms.

Ed Davey

The wind farm revolt is the first test for the new Energy Secretary Ed Davey( above) who has already said that he wants to follow Chris Hone’s priorities, including encouraging wind power development.

The tensions are clear: On the one side, many Conservative MPs in rural constituencies have a lot of opposition to new turbines being erected, in true NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) fashion. On the other side, we have the cabinet and especially the Liberal Democrats under pressure to demonstrate that the much-vaunted and ambitious emission targets for the UK are not going to be abandoned or watered down.

The signatories of this letter say they are not anti-renewable, just concerned about the level of support for onshore wind energy. They also want planning rules changed to make it easier for local people to object to their construction. Predictably, they have hitched this short-sighted bandwagon to the “straightened” times we are currently living in.

Will the Government buckle in the face if this hand-wringing and desire to turn back the clock?

David Cameron

The Government has said that wind farms were a “cost-effective and valuable part of the UK’s diverse energy mix”. However, it also admits that this is “currently more costly” than using fossil fuels, with hundreds of millions of pounds spent on subsidising wind farms each year. It was also predicted that that would be the case. No gain without some pain. Already State help is being cut under plans set out by ministers last year, but these MPs are seeking an acceleration.

BBC chief political correspondent Gary O’Donoghue said the signatories were not against renewable energy per se, but believe onshore wind got far too much money. For Labour, shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint said: “Britain should be a world leader in wind energy. We need to put jobs, growth and reducing energy bills first, but David Cameron is failing to do this. We just get a Tory party divided amongst itself…” Which sidesteps the fundamental issues for some cheap party politicking. Does not wind power generate jobs and growth? Would not reliance on fossil fuels lead to increasing prices later on?

What has been the Government response? A Downing Street spokeswoman said: “We need a low-carbon infrastructure and onshore wind is a cost effective and valuable part of the UK’s diverse energy mix.”

She added: “We are committed to giving local communities the power to shape the spaces in which they live and are getting rid of regional targets introduced by the last government.”

One would hope that the Government will be robust, take the long view, and honour the renewable energy commitments already given. While no one would want to deny local residents a say in what happens in their local communities, the Government should not allow planning procedures and safeguards to be so protracted as to emasculate a wind power programme that is seen by many in Europe and across the world, to be enlightened.

Sadly one or two Newspapers have also sent some cheap shots out in order to boost lagging readerships. The Daily Mail is almost laughable in its headlines, declaring the wind power is “pure flatulence”, and that “picturesque parts of the country are changing from rolling agriculture landscapes into turbine parks.” One might suggest that the only hot air is coming parts of a blinkered and backward looking press. I only hope they don’t hack my phone…

Sir David Attenborough

I suggest you may draw succour from the fact that highly respected wildlife commentator, programme maker and ecologist, Sir David Attenborough opened a new wind turbine in Glyndebourne last month. He has been very vocal in its support since it had been doing the seemingly endless round of planning hurdles from 2003. The 67 metre high 900kW Enercon E44 turbine will make Glyndebourne, famous for its annual opera festival, the only arts venue to generate 100% of its own power using a large scale wind turbine. Fact, not flatulence!

Notes: The first UK onshore wind farm opened in Delabole, near Wadebridge in Cornwall, in 1991. It was re-opened after an upgrade a year ago by Geoff Huhne. Picture left. There are currently 309, with another 252 projects having gained consent.


Who else got it wrong? BBC’s Panorama program also featured a documentary with distorting views and figures to play into the hand of fossil fuel lobbyists. Watch below video:


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